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Jinhua South e-commerce team PK punishment, "decoration" is unstoppable
2018-10-23          215          互聯(lián)網(wǎng)     

In the fourth quarter of 2017, the e-commerce team won the last one in the company's internal PK competition. One of the penalty programs was running around the island, with 10 km for boys and 6 km for girls.

On March 11th, the e-commerce team's young 90s were brave enough to take responsibility, and kept their promises and came to the roundabout to implement punishment measures.

After the collection is completed, the photos are taken, and everyone will start!

For girls, six kilometers is not a simple journey, in addition to physical strength and persistence to the final determination! However, the Xia Xia team is a team that is brave enough to go forward and fear the dangers. No matter whether the boys and girls have no retreat, they encourage each other to complete the task perfectly!

The boys’ 10km were not lazy, they were successfully completed, and our little Zhu sister challenged the boys’ mileage. We were amazed by our physical strength and endurance!

Near noon, the e-commerce team successfully completed all the punishments. This is not only a punishment, but also a team gathering, which brings the members closer together, the cooperation is more harmonious, and the body is exercised.

Set sail 2018

We are still brave

The pace of struggle never stops

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